Monday, September 28, 2015

Wesley Chapel Outlet Mall

   There's a new mall opening next month, the Wesley Chapel Outlet Mall. I'm pretty sure everyone is tired of going to University mall all the time. The company behind the mall is called Simon. The new mall is supposed to open in late October, precisely 2 days after my birthday on October 27. The company recently added 26 new stores to the line up.

   Supposedly there are going to be over 100 retail stores 7 restaurants located at the establishment. So if you're looking for a new place to shop and for enjoyment, mark your calendars for the new opening in Wesley Chapel.

                   For Info About More Premium Outlets Visit
                                               For More Info Visit -
                                                        Simon -


  1. Nice. Thanks for posting this. I am consistently impressed at your blog work and careful, thoughtful writing. I want to hear more about your thoughts, or which stores are the most interesting to you. What is your experience going to be like at this mall?

  2. I heard that they will only have 31 stores in it :( no b&bw no aeropostale.I like your posts.

  3. I really appreciate you doing this post it let me know that there is another hangout coming up

  4. this is a very inspirational piece do u consider doing more
