Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Top 3 Favorite Stores

   Everyone has a favorite place to shop. The place you shop can definitely define your personality. I have 3 favorite stores I absolutely love: Rainbow, Rue21, and Wet Seal.

   Rainbow: The reason why I love Rainbow is because I can
Image result for rainbow shopsalways find a really pretty dress or a cool pair of jeans. Even
thought Rainbow is known as the "Thot Store" around Tampa, its ok because Rainbow does actually have some pretty decent clothes. As long as you're not always buying those really small crop tops, really short shorts, ad ripped clothes, you can actually find some really cute apparel there.

Image result for rue21Rue21: My second store is Rue21. Rue21 has some of the coolest clothes ever. You can find things from joggers, to hats to bucket hats. I feel like Rue21 is known for having the coolest joggers, they usually have really neat prints on them. They have clothes for boys and girls. The socks there are cool too. They have emoji clothes and other cool things too. They even sell flower headbands, perfumes, colognes, and selfie sticks.

Image result for wetseal store   WetSeal: Lastly, I like the store called WetSeal. Not a lot of people have heard of WetSeal. I told my best friend about it and she absolutely loves it. WetSeal has some of the girliest clothes. I'm not really the girly type but if I ever want to wear a pretty skirts of a flowing dress, I think of WetSeal. My mom even shops there too whenever she feels like dressing up.

    Out of all 3 of these stores I feel like Rue21 has to be my favorite because I can find a lot of clothes that represent me. Like I'm the type to sometimes dress up, sometimes have a kind of boyish day, and sometimes just wear anything that matches. My dad even likes taking me there because they always have a sale of some sort. Sometimes when I go to Rue21 my mom even lets me buy things from the boys side. Usually I just get socks and bucket hats from over there, the ones in the girl section are so ugly to me. But that's my favorite store, if you feel like it you can tell me your favorite stores in the comments :)


  1. Nice job. I was thinking as I read how focused your writing is. You stay on topic and explain your thoughts. I'm going to have to challenge you a little more with these posts! Perhaps you could write a researched post about the history and business practices of Rue21.

  2. Yasssss these all beast! I love how you elaborated your opinions. Great job
