Thursday, October 22, 2015


   Not alot of people know about Snapple. Snapple is known as "the best stuff on Earth". Snapple was first thought of in 1972. The creators Leonard Marsh, Hyman Golden, and Arnold Greenburg wanted to make a drink all New Yorkers would love. One thing led to another and their beverage was sold out in a Brooklyn storefront. Then in 1987, the new Snapple lemon iced tea was born along with a new design and the birth of desktop computers. In 2000, new juice was added, therefore creating the best stuff on Earth. To this day Snapple's design has changed and more flavors were born overtime.
Snapple flavors include peach tea, lemon tea, raspberry tea, mango, fruit punch and many more. There's even a half and half flavor, a blend of lemonade and iced tea created in 2012.
Image result for snapple real fact 2
A cool thing about Snapple's bottle design is when you pop the bottle, there are Real Facts under every top. This idea started and 2002 and has been appealing to consumers since then. Example, according to Real Fact #2, animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons. Bet you didn't notice that huh? Neither did i, pretty cool right?
So next time you're looking for something new to drink, try a bottle of Snapple and you can learn something new everyday.
Image result for snapple

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